Snow FX - Half Size
Case Study
Our snowFX range comes in a fire proof version for studio work or where the possibility of fire is a real risk. It has otherwise all the same properties as our chemical free range. Used here it has been applied using a K500 by a snow crew who spray it on at high speed from the machine with a fine mist of water mixed in to give it the ability to stick to the surfaces horizontal and vertical. A mix of full size and half size is used to create bulk and a fine powdery snow finish. The beauty is, like all the snowFX range - after takes it can be quickly redressed as needed - unlike real snow!
Snow Base
Case Study
Snow Base is a wood pulp product milled down to particulates. It has a slightly more natural tone of white and is perfect for forest and woodland shoots. As it is wood pulp rather than milled down paper it also breaks down more easily and absorbs into the ground when clearing up, so any residue left beds down into the soil and acts like a mulch. Like all our paper based snowFX products it is chemical free and safe to use on soil, flora and fauna.
Snow FX- Full Size
Case Study - Snow FX is perfect for dressing locations and comes in full size (FS) and half size(HS) particles. Here it is sprayed not only onto the ground and the car but the models also to create a realistic look for the product and the people. SnowFX is also perfect where you want to see tire treads in the snow or footprints as it takes the impression like real snow does. It can also be picked up and packed into a snowball to throw - just like the real thing. Environmentally friendly and chemical free for use on locations snow FX is installed using a K500 machine by our team and is easy to clear up after shooting.
Snow Sparkle
SnowSparkle is a finely granulated, lightweight plastic snow. Ideal for top dressing other snow materials to give a shimmering icy look or excellent when used alone. Snowsparkle contains flame - retardents. This snow sparkles with good use of light to add highlights and detail to any settled snow display, but, unlike glitter, blends in perfectly with other snow materials when unlit. Easy to spread by hand. 100% Biodegradable after incineration. 500grams will cover 1 sqm for heavy cover and up to 10sqm for light top dressing.
Polymer snow is delivered as a dry powder. When mixed with water it expands up to 4000% producing a very realistic settled snow effect. Used predominantly for close up, detail work as well as top dressing over snowFX to create a realistic interaction with actors and clothing. Polymer is fantastic for creating impressions such as footprints, for dressing over ice effects where it can create a more slippery surface and can be used to create slush effects when over saturated. Care must be taken when using polymer as it is extremely slippery underfoot. Polymer is not a long term stable product and decay rates of this product are increased under poor weather conditions and strong UV light. Indoors the effect remains stable for many days. 20kg bag will create 2 cubic metres of snow.
Ultra Ice
Case Study - Ultra Ice is used here on the actor to create frozen water on eyebrows, hair and jawline, with a dusting of snowsparkle to create a frosted look. For the hat this effect can be done by using display snow, snow sparkle or even our snowFX ideally if the hat has a fine misting of water first then the product will naturally stick into the knit.
Check out [display snow] & [snow sparkle] as well.
Powder Frost
Case Study
Powder Frost is a fast economical way to 'white out' a large area on large locations or it is used specifically to create a hard early morning frost rather than snow. One bag covers 100sqm so it is an economical option. It is applied by a K500 machine spraying out the fine cellulose particles at high speed onto a pre wetted environment. It does not last under rain - so is not used for long term location applications. -
[Case Studies] Our resin icicles come in sets, small medium and large. They can be cut and separated and applied by screw or glue to the set as needed. For close ups either wax or one of our other snow products can be sprayed over to join to the rest of the 'frozen' set
Ice Wax White
[Case studies] Using our wax maxhines and our white wax product this setting was created by spraying the heated wax out at high speed over the set and props in layers to build up the textured frozen ice look. This effect cannot be cleaned off so is used for one time props and sets.